Not too long ago I found a blog that looked interesting, based in part on the fact that he'd been a bush pilot in Ak. This of course, lent him a bit of credibility, even though I should really know better.
entry for today was, as usual, well presented...until I took a better look at the source he linked to for the pictures. The article is
here, and it looks credible at first glance....til you begin to explore the site further and encounter such gems as "The Phoenix Journals: Click on "Phoenix Journals" or "Phoenix Archives" at the top of the Homepage. All of the published and un-published Phoenix Journals are archived on They can also be accessed through Fourwinds by clicking on either "Phoenix Journals" or "Phoenix Archives" menu at the top of our Homepage.
These are writings of Truth for the people of our world, received during the 1990's from Creator God via radio transmission from the Phoenix Starship, under the command of Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander of the Pleiadian Star Fleet. The Phoenix Journals are known as The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms, and are for our guidance through these "end times" on our planet. For the new reader of Fourwinds we recommend reading first Phoenix Journals numbers 2, 27, 47, 3, 5, and 7 and in that order."
Just goes to show that digging is usually a good idea......and while the basic facts may be correct as stated, it isn't impossible that Hiroshima has run down areas as well....