Monday, September 21, 2009

Bean soup

In all our uproar of late the garden has been sadly abandoned....yesterday Punkin and I went out and picked the row of yellow wax beans that had dried on the vine. We carefully shelled them and noticed the markings on them like a painted pony. We simmered them for an hour and added a handful of tiny potatoes and a bottle onion from the garden, and a half a jar of last years canned carrots. After a bit of seasoning, it was pronounced the best soup ever...

After reading todays post on Full Freezer, it struck me that this was more than just letting a child experiment----it's teaching her to feed her family properly. The things we took for granted are all but lost---heaven only knows how much I didn't learn because it wasn't interesting at the time----I only wish I could go back and ask some questions now.

I read Judy's post and was vividly reminded of the mother and child in the frozen aisle at Safeway, worrying about whether or not they had frozen pancakes at home....

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